Unser derzeitiges Repertoire
All the time |
Masithi Amen
Amen |
Michael rows the boat |
Amazing Grace |
Morning has broken |
Born again |
Morning prayer |
By and by |
My Lord, what a morning |
Changed |
Nobody knows |
Come by here my Lord, Kumbaya |
Now let us sing |
Come on and sing |
Oh happy day |
Deep river |
Oh freedom |
Didn’t it rain |
O sifuni mungu |
Ev’ry time I feel the spirit |
Over my head
Give me that old time religion |
Rock my soul (Chorversion) |
Go down, Moses |
Rock my soul (Soloversion) |
Good news |
Rhythm of life |
Go, tell it from the mountain |
Shine your light |
Gospeltrain (Get on board) |
Shower of love |
Glory to God almighty |
Siahamba |
Hallelujah, Salvation and Glory |
Sometimes I feel |
Heaven is a wonderful place |
Soon and very soon |
Help me Lord |
Standing in the need of prayer |
He’s got the whole world |
Steal away |
Holy an righteous |
Swing low |
I can go to God in prayer |
This little light of mine |
I’m gonna sing |
This little train |
I’m on my way |
Take me to the water |
I will follow him (Sister Act) |
The Lord just keeps on |
Jada |
The Lord is my light |
Jesus is my Lord |
Wade in the water |
Jesus on the mainline |
We pray in the morning |
Joshua fit the battle |
Were you there |
Joy to the world |
What a wonderful world |
Let us brake bread together |
When the saints |
Lift up the name of Jesus |
Will the circle be unbroken |
Mary had a baby |
You are the light |
Stand: April 2011