
Unser derzeitiges Repertoire

All the time
Masithi Amen
Amen Michael rows the boat
Amazing Grace Morning has broken
Born again Morning prayer
By and by My Lord, what a morning
Changed Nobody knows
Come by here my Lord, Kumbaya Now let us sing
Come on and sing Oh happy day
Deep river Oh freedom
Didn’t it rain O sifuni mungu
Ev’ry time I feel the spirit Over my head
Give me that old time religion Rock my soul (Chorversion)
Go down, Moses Rock my soul (Soloversion)
Good news Rhythm of life
Go, tell it from the mountain Shine your light
Gospeltrain (Get on board) Shower of love
Glory to God almighty Siahamba
Hallelujah, Salvation and Glory Sometimes I feel
Heaven is a wonderful place Soon and very soon
Help me Lord Standing in the need of prayer
He’s got the whole world Steal away
Holy an righteous Swing low
I can go to God in prayer This little light of mine
I’m gonna sing This little train
I’m on my way Take me to the water
I will follow him (Sister Act) The Lord just keeps on
Jada The Lord is my light
Jesus is my Lord Wade in the water
Jesus on the mainline We pray in the morning
Joshua fit the battle Were you there
Joy to the world What a wonderful world
Let us brake bread together When the saints
Lift up the name of Jesus Will the circle be unbroken
Mary had a baby You are the light

Stand: April 2011